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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Glacial Processes, Erosion Forms U-shape Valley, Abrasion ???? Deposition, Plucking ???? Deposition, Fluctuation in Ice Mass Affects the amount of Erosion, Glacial Processes ???? Weathering, Glacial Processes ???? Glacier Mass Balance, Erosion Forms Corrie, Three or more will form a mountain Example Snowdon, Impact of climate change on Glacier budget. Temperature Change Fluctuation in Ice Mass, Morraine ???? Terminal Morraine, Glacial Processes Cause Erosion, Erosion Forms Arete, Corrie Two adjacent corries will form an Arete, Erosion can happen when Plucking, Erosion Forms Hanging Valley, Glacier Mass Balance Change in Climate Impact of climate change on Glacier budget., Fluctuation in Ice Mass Change in Ice Mass Glacier Mass Balance, Erosion Forms Ribbon Lakes, Erosion Can happen when Abrasion, Terminal Morraine Creates Ribbon Lakes
Glacier Melt
Glacier Melt